Get Styled Like a Celebrity To Get Noticed

Good clothing and deportment opens doors for new opportunities and success

Download Style Guide and learn how to better present yourself on special occasions!​

Are you someone who is skilled and experienced but is still not getting noticed?

Are you someone who feels uncomfortable in yourself when you go to a party or to an interview?

Are you someone who feels self-conscious about your looks when you go for a presentation or a gathering?

How do you feel when you look in the mirror?

Do you feel confident or do you feel stressed?

Do you feel self-conscious or do you feel on top of the world?

Do you feel like you will win the world or do you feel like you better stay at home ?

Do you feel like you are closer to your goals or do you feel like you are not worth it?

If you said ‘Yes’ to any of the above, then do read on!

These are important questions to ask yourself because they will decide the outcome of your professional life and your personal life…

“Research indicates that if you as a mother are not well groomed and organized then there are high chances that your kids will disobey you and not respect you.”

Did you know that…

People make a decision about you in the first 3 seconds on whether they want to consider you or not for that job

Dressing well enhances your mood and makes you feel pleasant within

Positive body language enhances your complete look

Right deportment can increase your chances of getting that job or a promotion or that client you so need for your business

Meet Mamtaa Joshi, your personal online stylist!

Mamtaa is a master image stylist and a successful CEO plus Co-Founder of The Orange Tree Salon.

She has almost 2 decades of experience in image and style consulting.

Mamtaa has not only served Indian celebrities but has also worked with international business heads while helping them groom based on their occupation and body type.

Mamtaa is a progressive and forward thinking style & deportment corrector enthusiast, dedicated to providing high quality service in a professional and friendly manner for personal development, creating a stylish personality, and business protocol concepts.

Get Mamtaa’s specially designed-for-you style guide, sign up below and get it delivered to your inbox now! eGuide

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